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Thought 1: Say hi to people = You'll be surprised whom you'll meet when you have the balls to say hi to a random stranger. Working in a city environment I was passed hundreds of different people every day. Their worlds so different to mine. Maybe I'm walking past someone whom I am suppose to have in my life and me in theirs. Say hi to the random next to you waiting for the train, the co worker you've never spoken to, an old friend whom you haven't spoken to for a while. Saying hi can open up something new.

Thought 2: Feeling safer in the familiar = I am person of habit and a safe place. I find what works, stick to places I know and stick to what I know. (On the other end of the spectrum for this I love change and thrive off it but the sake of this thought we shall stick the familiar things) We close ourselves off from possibilities, be frustrated from not moving forward out of fear, have no belief in ourselves or immediately put ourselves down without even trying because we don't know the result on the other side. Next thing you are faced you uncomfortable doing instantly, just fucking do it.

+ Death by scroll = It easy to get caught up in our screens. We have a habit of the scroll, brainwashing us. Social Media, Texting, Emails, YouTube, Twitter. Before, during and after work. Let me tell you. It will always be there for you. The scroll is infinite. But this thought it to help you recognise and hopefully reduce your scroll time. Spend some time with yourself. Read a book, go for a walk, go for a drive, do something now, go have a conversation with your family or friends. Life's to short to be sucked into the scroll. I mean you scrolled this post but, from this thought just try to minimise and replace the scroll time for something which is useful and you can actually do. It won't kill you to spend some time offline, I promise.

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