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Well, it's the end of March, already? This year is already flying by.

But let's get into these thoughts.

Thought 1: Variety makes you feel likes in sobriety. We all get stuck in ruts and the familiar. In order to get out of these norms we can feel trapped and scared of the unknown. I tend to get into this mindset. My most recent experience of escaping the norm was the fact that I was scared to go to the gym and train myself rather than turn up to a class where that thinking was done for me. So i got up one morning and instead of going to a class I went to the gym. I enjoyed it so much and was a refreshing change. Even something so small it terrified me. So just get up and do whatever it is that scares you, it's usually not as bad as you think and actually makes your soul feel great.

Thought 2: Habits of Successful People. I am obsessed with learning about the habits of the successful. Their routines, their mindsets, interests, books they read, and how they spend their time overall. I mean you usually find me waking up to a youtube motivational video or have one playing when I'm driving to the station in the morning. if you need someone new to follow or with endless podcasts, I recommend Lewis Howes. He asks the questions you wouldn't think to the influential, and provokes different thoughts between the viewer and the interviewee.

Thought 3: Coming into the new month I want to focus on feeding my soul with the good and work on creating positive thought processes. Do more things alone, more yoga, put my healthy food into my body, read, write and feel more myself.

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