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I'm feeling focused, motivated and positive and I ain't sorry about it. I'm excited to smash some goals and smash 2018 with the positive vibes. I'm ready to learn and discover so much more of my potiential which I am not even self aware of. My challenge to you is that if you have a book which you've said for the past year now you want to start, and you haven't fucking do it today! Do yourself a favour and work hard today.

This weeks thought more directed towards myself and me opening up for you to relate to and let me make you think twice about an aspect in your life you need to change or incorporate more of.

Let's do this..

Thought 1: Importance of planning in my life. I can easily fall into the mentality for 'I'll do it tomorrow' or 'I want this now and deal with the consequences tomorrow'. But 'successful Alycia' needs to scrap that. It's not easy and I still fall into this mindset for that fact I want to experience as much as possible. But all in all, planning is my best friend. Budgeting, meal prepping, having my clothes out in the morning, planning my morning routine, mapping my goals. Each positive step I take to making these goals is helping me to kick ass, and hey, you are reading something that's apart of a plan. So this thought of the month is where would I be with planning and how my failures would be of more volume with out. Finding it hard to achieve? Big or small, write a plan.

Thought 2: How good is gratitude? If you aren't giving thanks to yourself and your surroundings, you're missing out on good karma. Recently I finished a book titled, "You are a Badass" and it has been one of the most mind shifting books I have read, highly recommend.

Thought 3: Surround yourself in success. Look at the person you want to be in the future and make the steps to be that person. Are you making progress everyday? Are you making active decisions and sacrifices. Have a clear vision and work towards the person you want to be and the goals.

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