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Thought 1: Balance is so important to your successes. I burn out every time I go full throttle. I have spent this month trying to find my balance. Reduce the overwhelm and take steps everyday to my successes. We all want to be happy in life and we all are so hard on ourselves. Stop. Take a deep breathe and be realistic with what actions take up your day.

Thought 2: Music is so powerful. It can instantly take you to another world and be so relatable it hurts. I have been obsessed with the band 'LANY'. They are all about love, loss and metaphors galore. Definitely some tunes to put on your chilled playlist. But back to the thought, I love its ability can completely change your mood. The parts of a song which hit you right in the core and completely consume you. Treasure the intangible.

Thought 3: Postitvity is so important to us and the people around us. I cannot stand negative people. All they do is bring the bad into their lives, to be honest it's more exhausting being negative than positive. Try to minimize the negative, it's inevitable that we get angered by something. Learn to be the positive spirit you are and spread that around. It's amazing for you're mind and for others surrounding you.

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