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Meditation Challenge

This week I was put to the challenge of incorporating meditation into my sleep/night routine. Being a night worker I find it hard to establish a sufficient amount of sleep and quality of sleep. Meditation has so many benefits on its own and I was put to the test and challenge to see how it would improve my sleep and ability to get to sleep. So I have taken notes and journalled my experience.


From around 9:30pm planned out my day. I drank a lot of water during this time. Had a shower around 10pm. Completed my skincare resume. Meditated then read for 15 minutes till I felt I could go to sleep.

SLEEP TIME: 11:30pm - 8:30am

Forgot to set my alarms for this morning but body clock naturally woke me up at this time. Mediated after waking up. Feeling really good!!


Worked this night, therefore not much of a relaxing process before my sleep. Got home at 12:50am. Showered. Meditated. Was very restless during meditation as I was very tired, but stayed awake for the duration of meditation. Fell asleep really easily. No reading.

SLEEP TIME: 1:16am - 8:30am

Was feeling quite tired. Meditated later on in the day and fell asleep for about 15 minutes during the meditation. Woke up refreshed from the meditation.


Worked this night. Got home at 12:30am. Showered. Meditated 12:40am.

SLEEP TIME: 1:14am - 8:42am

Woke up feeling quite tired and unfocused but pushed through Thursday slowing and calmly. Feel like this could have been an accumulation of lack of sleep from the night before as well.


Was awake later than wanted as felt creatively inspired. Was writing and planning out my thoughts ideas for the next day and for the future. Meditated at 12:10am. Meditation felt very necessary in the getting to sleep process as I had so many thoughts and ideas flowing through my mind.

SLEEP TIME: 12:24am - 8:02am

Woke up feeling quite sleep deprived. Coffee was definitely my friend this morning. Meditated this afternoon and fell asleep.


Worked this night. Was feeling very disorientated today and anxious. Meditation was done twice this day to calm the flow of thoughts.

SLEEP TIME: 1:30am - 8:04am

Very tired this morning but got up for bootcamp and had a productive and social Saturday.


Spent my night hanging out with friends. Got home at 2:15am. Journalled and decided to scroll on my phone. BAD ALYCIA!! Meditated at 3am. Very tired.

SLEEP TIME: 3:15am - 12:11pm

Massive sleep in and massive catch up sleep. Felt like I had overslept but at the same time felt like a quality sleep.


Worked this night. Got home at 12:30am. Fell asleep during meditation.

SLEEP TIME: 1:00am - 9:20am

Woke up feeling good. Enjoyed my sleep. Felt refreshed to start my week off.


This exercise definitely helped with my quality of sleep and the power of getting to sleep in a timely manner. Upon research I discovered that if it takes longer than 20 minutes to get to sleep then you are sleep deprived which is something I was definitely achieving before this experiment. Sleep in my life is so important and I feel like I do not get as I would like. So for my sleeping time to be increased by this process is fantastic and feels like a big weight lifted off of my shoulders. Many nights which I have layed in bed, frustrated and angry at myself how I am unable to get to sleep. From this exercise and week of focusing on my sleep I have learned to take sleep preparation seriously, and it is important for our wellbeing and daily function. Going to sleep calm and relaxed and clear headed does wonders for quality of sleep. Take your sleep and your sleep preparation seriously. Listen to your body and find out what works for you. Meditation may not be your calling but try other techniques and habits to incorporate into your night/sleep routine.

From my experience of this exercise and being a night shift worker, using meditation before I go to sleep helps immensely with my sleep length and quality of sleep. It is life changing and I highly recommend for everyone and everyone!

Meditation is the way to go.

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