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Confidence is key - Confidence which other people have in their beliefs, interests and goals is one of the most attractive and gravitating qualities in a person. I love hearing people relay their information and inform me of something new. I love when people are confident in their decisions as that is an aspect in my life I am working on. One of my favorite quotes "inhale confidence, exhale doubt" is so true and something I also keep in mind when shifting my mindset towards the more confident.

Friends - This month I took a trip away for a few days in Melbourne. People who I don't usually hang out with long periods of time but who I have known most of for a few years. It was amazing to get away for a few days, to a new place and I felt an overwhelming amount of happiness just from a change of scenery and being around my friends doing fun things. If your weekends are feeling too short, take a few days off, get away and do something different. Life's to short to not take some time off.

In the now - this month I had a chat with one of my besties and she brought up with me that I stress too much about the past and the future, and that it's taking away the importance and pureness of the now. This made me realize i obviously need to be in the moment more and made me more conscious. It's helped create less stress in my life, truly appreciate the now and no amount of anxiety will change the future. It also reminded me of a book that I tried to read a while back but found hard to process "The Power of Now" by Eckart Tolle. So that is something which is on my July to do list.

Reminder for the month: Be in the now

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