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Brain Dump

There is just so much noise. Noises in the city. Noises of my notifications. So many thoughts. So many opinions. I can’t take it anymore. I feel like I can’t escape it.

I have a tenancy to be quiet overwhelmed a lot. The noise of my thoughts cripples me and weighs me down daily. I struggle to find the right things to do for myself. I have so much I want to do and accomplish and what feels like not enough time.

Things which I struggle to find the answer to:

  1. When should I gym? In the mornings at 4:30am or on my lunch break

  2. What foods should I be consuming? (and in conjunction) Should I be counting my macros?

  3. Should I be going on dating apps?

  4. Should I make time to see ‘x’?

  5. Am I learning enough?

  6. When should I be going to bed?

  7. Does dry brushing actually work? (look it up if you don’t know what it is)

  8. What can I replace these carbs with?

  9. How to I make time to fit everything in?

  10. How do I get rid of this constant pressure itching at my skin?

  11. How can I be happy?

This blog is a platform which I want to be a positive and honest platform for me to express and inform. Now being real and honest I am just so lost right now and know the only way I can learn is through trial and error. I feel buried and stuck, scared to find my feet. I don’t know know what I want or what to do. Just chaos! A lot like the structure of this post.

But at the same time I can feel something amazing coming my way. I feel this post will do me some mental good. Can definitely tell I’m a female.

But the whole reason for this post is to express and rationalize my 1 million thoughts, and hopefully help you as well in moments of doubt.

Now let’s go through a process together…


(got your attention? Great! Let’s do this!)

  1. Identify some goals for yourself. Short term is a good place to start to get your feet back on track. If your stuck, rationalise with the SMART method.

2. Who do you want to be? What traits do you want to instil? What actions do you want to incorporate daily/weekly/monthly into your life. What do you want to identify yourself as and others. Look at the people you want to be. Write down 5 things you would like to have become apart of you.

3. Now analyse your mornings and night routines/rituals.

Now this is where I am right now. My mornings till a few weeks ago were the gym, get ready, go to work. Now they consist of simply getting ready, getting the bus then sleeping some more on there. I feel guilty for the lack of routine. One of the reasons I would gym in the morning would be that in every since success book and self development book I read, they all had morning routines and specifically went to the gym. Till when I went away for a few days, came back and just haven’t been able to get back into routine, and using the mentality ‘I’ll do it tomorrow/next week’.

I think one thing we have to remind ourselves is that we are all human, having slum moments and unmotivated times. Regarding my routines, this blog and my happiness I have been on a downward spiral.

My biggest downfall which has followed me is I don’t put my thoughts into actions. Lots of talking not enough doing. Till I got to a point this year which I set some goals, in particular my blog, took action, made time which it launched. It was one of my proudest moments to be honest for the fact I f*******g did it.

I am over making excuses. I am over my negative thoughts preventing me from my success and doing actually what I want to do. I read somewhere that your intuition knows you more than you think. I feel like I need to channel more of this, it’s going to steer me in the right direction and help me recognise what is healthy for my life and the right thing to do. Why am I fighting the thing that’s probably looking out for me.

4. Cut the excuses, Just do what you plan to. Once you take that first step everything will follow, trust me.

5. Find the maintainable and enjoyable. Now there is 3 things which this post involves being goals, routines and my mentality. I love to set goals for myself constantly. My issues start when I plan times with unachievable time from and involving no downtime for myself. My number one take away from this is going to be listening to my conscience and my body. I can continue to set goals but instead create weekly to do lists and complete tasks when I want to and feel it. Now making no progress and having the ‘i’ll do it next week’ mentality will keep you in your current ways. Make small starting steps to be your best and create the reality you want. You are your only limit.

6. Have some belief in yourself. My self doubt is also another flaw of myself. But daily, I promise to make an effort to love myself and appreciate myself. It’s more exhausting being negative than positive. I’ll create and research mindset shifts for myself, will help me find myself and release the pressure I create for myself.

I am happy to feed my positivity to other people and write like I do for my blog, but being honest and feel I am still finding my feet. We are all human, all lose our feet and need to get back on track, but i promise to give you real content and connect with you. Loose the old and find the new.

I will reduce my own noise. Create a belief for myself. Listen to my intuition.

Thank you for reading.

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