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Thought 1: This month I completed 'Dry July'. It was quite the experience for my mental strength. For it to be built up but also recognise my capabilities. My mentality clarity through the roof and I felt more positive than negative thoughts. Decisions were made easier, I had some much needed alone time, and I prioritised more appropriately. My mood was much more elevated and motivation, and I was able to detoxify my mind and my body. Even more rewarding was the money I had raised towards charity. I cannot recommend this enough. Take an alcohol break. Remove the toxicity that comes with alcohol.

Irritation - why is it we get so irritated with people? Why are there certain things people do that we don't understand why they do them? How many people do we think get irritated by us? Why can't we help but feel this way about certain actions of others? Why do we waste our energy on such useless thoughts and judgements?

Times change - how crazy is it that childhoods over the years change so rapidly. Even just looking at our parents whom didn't even have mobile phones and only were about to rely on the word they gave. The instant world we have now and ease of access is crazy. Even right now I'm writing this on my iPad, on the bus, on the way home from work. Is the technology we surround ourself with destroying our brain cells? This intense amount of energy must be affecting us internally somehow?

August Advice - when you come home from work turn off your phone. Disconnect and be in the now for a few hours a day.

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