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Chapter 1


Here I sit. In a rustic office. Lots of wooden furniture and walls surround me. Books, paperwork and the creativity of others suffocate me. My dreams literally surround me. But there she sits. The day was long. The norm. I’m over the winter. Work is busy. Grind is never at rest. It's turning to dark outside. A time I should be leaving the workplace. Dusk can be so pristine and calm, which is nice to see in all the chaos in my life. 

There she sits. So gentle and in a concentration bubble. I usually stick around to see if this may spark conversation. Should I just work up the courage and ask her a question? Anything really. Why am I acting like a high school kid. At 27 you’d think I’d be good at this game.

 She has me magnetised. The curiousity is overpowering. Why as you get older, approaching a woman would be easier. Just no! I could simply push myself out of my chair and talk to her, be bold and spontaneous. Women like that, but would she? My mild is running wild with scenarios and approaches.. 

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