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All I want is to be successful, happy and healthy. My thoughts are often based around thinking about what actions would put me on the correct road to success. Analyzing the habits of successful people, becoming completely obsessed with the people I want to be like, even forcing myself to pick up habits I don’t want to just to be one step closer to my successes.

I constantly have a judgement towards myself and forget to enjoy this process and life overall. But my mindset has currently switched. I have realized that this process, the journey of life as an extreme, is individual to me. What makes me happy and what works for me, IS UP TO ME! It is at my control and I should be focusing on my happiness and the success I crave will follow.

Agitation which surrounds my success

  • Pressures to follow who I want to be - We all have Instagram and we all follow the people who we admire daily, and for most of these people this is their jobs, to in fact INFLUENCE YOU! Remember that, don’t get sucked into everything they have to offer, I mean there is no harm in giving it a go or trying their new protein ball, but remember they don’t know you and have your best interests at heart. Something may work for them but just not work for you, and that’s okay. But it’s also okay to be inspired by them, just don’t become them.

  • Lack of patience I have to have for the process- I want to have financial abundance be in a nice place, be able to take holidays whenever I want, but guess what, you have to work for that success and find your own path to exit the maze. I have minimal patience and it is something that I have had to tackle front on and realize that it’s the key to success. Taking steps daily will get you closer. You need to put in the hard work or you will only be slowing yourself down. This is why the process you have for yourself is so important and you should be enjoying it, not rushing it..

  • Difficulty taking control and failing - Take steps putting you in control of your journey. Outline what your action plan should be and if something doesn’t work, don’t be yourself up about it, try a new approach and move on, remember, patience is the key to seeing our successes. I have found that when I come up with a ‘life changing idea’ which is going to give me my goal on a silver platter, it never happens, I beat myself up about it and then delay myself from my end goal. Fail, learn and move on. At least you gave it a shot.

  • Difficult getting out the norm to try something new - It’s so uncomfortable being out of your comfort zone, THAT’S WHY YOU NEED TO GET OUT OF IT TO DISCOVER SOMETHING NEW. I hate being out of my zone, sometimes I would rather not know what happens and sit at home to stay inside my zone, but as I am making a conscious effort to try new things, and every time I do, I am stoked I gave it a shot. Get this in your head, you will never be comfortable with the uncomfortable, simple. Analyse your habits, approaches and mindsets and if there is something new screaming at you, just do it.

What I’ve learnt

  • Consistency sees results - when I create habits and repetitively do something it becomes less mundane. I’ve found I see more results when continually doing something daily and at the same time. Your body adapts to the habit and becomes automatic. Try waking up at the same time every day and going to bed at the same time as well. I guarantee you this will become and automatic process and easier as you go.

  • Do things you enjoy - As I’ve previously said if your success routine contains activities and actions you hate, it won’t last. Include what you love to do and gets you excited about your day or project.

  • Having a positive mindset - Don’t have a daunting view on your day and actions. If you have a negative mindset on your life, your friends and judge those around you, you will come to a point where you hate your life. Negative is more exhausting than being positive and there is nothing more that I despise than negative people. Be kind to those around you and be kind to yourself most importantly.

  • Always try something new and outside your comfort zone - just to reiterate what I said before, try new things, write down something you could be doing new weekly. This keeps your life fun and exciting! And life is fun and exciting, I promise! Make it what you can, you will see the fun that comes out of trying something new and the ability to laugh at yourself when you fail.

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