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Hi guys! I am officially out of my hiatus on this blog, seeming to be more active on Instagram and trying to get into the routine of that, but now it's my blogs turn to find its groove and I'm

to share my thoughts and inform you all.

Hope you enjoy!

  • The guilt of saying no to things = I found myself getting stuck in situations of feeling a guilt of saying no, not wanting to disappoint people or not wanting to miss out on fun. But what I’ve learned is that sometimes we need to make sacrifices to pay off for future. I know I have a lot coming up at the end of the year, debts to clear and sometimes we have to say no to somethings for financial reasons and release some guilt within ourselves from saying ‘yes’ all the time. Make sacrifices and make those decisions on what your intuition is steering you towards.

  • Daily habits are causing me to stay inside my bubble of comfort - I thrive off routine, familiarity and comfortability, which can stop me from going outside my comfort zone and growing as a person. I love the feeling of being automatic in the mornings especially, to have ease in getting things done. Being surrounded by the familiar places and habits can sometimes leave me in a rut. I want to start doing 1 thing new a week and experience something new, otherwise my life would be boring and we all need to feel something new from stepping outside our comfort zone. At times even when your gut tells you know, push past it and if you fail, at least you know you tried.

  • Being hard on yourself - This is an art which I have unfortunately mastered. I spend a lot of time being angry at myself for things like, no doing something on my to do list or not going to the gym or getting into a stressful habit of binge eating. I have a fear that if I stop, I fail. I know what it’s like to be at the bottom but I also know that we need to stop to recharge, relax and not make things so complicated and allow yourself to stop and simply do nothing.

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