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Chapter 2.


He knew how to push my buttons. He always kept me on the string of a yoyo. He said so much with his eyes but would could next give me the verbal validation that I needed. Guys like him make me reconsider my worth. Why is it when the guy doesn’t give what I deserve, I second guess myself?? It makes no sense.

Sitting across from him daily and seeing him around the office just makes it so much harder. I could move jobs but I don’t want to. I could move offices but I don’t want to.

Just say something. We are both magnetized to each other. Why must I question it? Just say something!

Each day I get into my car, take a big sigh, imagine what would be. How he fits into my life. How he feels so right but I cannot be sure. Then I get to where I am now, in bed, about to turn off the light before I go to sleep. Constant regret and unknowingness.

Tomorrow I’m going to do it. I’m going to make that move at drinks. Liquid confidence here I come.

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