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The Miracle Answer to our Success

Review: The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to

Transform Your Life (Before 8AM) - Written By Haz Elrod

Once we hit our twenties, we realize it’s actually unhealthy to follow the crowd. We have to form our own path and understand that our actions not only have consequences, but reflect the framework we want for our futures. It’s also quite a personal journey, with ongoing inner reflection. Our twenties are filled with discovery and experience.

A ‘crunch time’ moment comes upon us, and we have an epiphany to change certain things in our lives for the better. We endure a mid life crisis, before the actual mid life crisis. We realize changes need to be made to create a happy, successful life, catering to our own desires.

Everyone creates a mental checklist to cater to their needs, and constantly refer to on our day to day life. It’s all a matter of trial and error and this checklist is constantly being updated and variable to situations and circumstances in our lives and adapts to how we form and evolve as people.

There are aspects of wellness, which we must monitor also, requiring daily consideration in the decisions we have in our lives. Just like playing The Sims for example. We have the capability to monitor and tend to our own needs requited for our personal fulfillment.

Mornings are not the strong suit for anyone in this day and age. Majority of us despise getting up in the morning and wanting to get as much sleep as possible. According to Hal Elrod, author of The Miracle Morning : The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM), he believes this is a vital time for any successor and through his own trials and tribulations in his life, has discovered and invented a morning routine which can guarantee you to transform any area of your life, all before 8am. Surprising right? Hal’s Miracle Morning routine is now practiced by thousands around the world, forming its own community and followers. The book is quite motivational and persuasive.

The book begins with Hal retelling his own life experience with debt, and had been involved in a car crash in which he suffered permanent brain damage. Hal decided to not let this accident have any impact on him and to take it as a miracle. Even so in his recovery stages had gotten to the height of his sales career.

Hal retells how he woke up morning and decided to take his friend’s "ridiculous" advice and go for a run. That was Hal’s crunch moment. Since that morning he realized that some sort of routine had to be inducted into his life in order for him to reach his full potential and his idea of the ‘Level 10 life”, which is discussed in the book as having certain areas of your life focused, monitored and improved to a Level 10 point.

Hal also makes stunning analogies and arguments throughout his book. He refers to a the 95% Reality Check at the near beginning of the book. Although relating to U.S. statistics, he says through studies, only 5% of the US will be successful in their lives, while the other 95% of the population will struggle their whole lives. This book is here to change your life and make you apart of the 5% of successors.

Hal writes on a very personal level, striving to help you to achieve your best through out the book and letting you know that you can do it. He wants you to succeed. Hal wants you to reach your full potential. He believes with his routine, you can do that.

His routine follows the Life S.A.V.E.R.S. acronym, Silence (meditation or prayer),

Affirmations ( personal wants and aspirations)

Visualization (picturing whether though vision boards or mental rehearsal)

Exercise (from as little as 10 minutes a day),

Reading (books which will help you succeed in your career or knowledgeable)

Scribing (through journaling and give clarity).

These self-development activities if completed every morning, Hal guarantees that your life situation will change if following these steps. Hal goes into depth with all these steps and wants you to modify them to your life.

Hal is seductive with each point he presents and justifies every idea he makes in his book with a worthy argument. Hal understands that everyone has different needs, he understands success let’s you know that hard work has to be put in. Hal’s book puts ideas and the routine into your head; it’s then up to you to enforce them into your life.

Hal is very relatable in his writing, often putting in day-to-day situations, which can put a flaw into his argument but quickly backs his point up and uses the flaw to reinforce it.

The Miracle Morning is definitely a book, which I am glad I read at 21. It’s something that has profoundly changed my life and which definitely put me a step ahead of everyone else. It’s an eye opening self help book, with a routine that becomes a daily habit, and is adaptable to any age and any life situation. The Miracle Morning will help immensely in my transitioning through my 20’s and will help with my personal development with reflection, through the routine on a daily basis.

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