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Natural Sleep Boosters

The quality of sleep which we have before we start our day, will set the groundwork and functionality for the success of the next day. The incorporation of a night time routine is just as important as our morning routine. This routine will take time and be a process of trial and error. But today we are here to make that process a little easier with a list below of do’s and don’ts!


Have a bed time! Try to go to bed at the same time every night. This will create an automatic reminder for the body to know when it is time to sleep and rest. Alongside this try to wake up the same time everyday as well. Sticking to a sleep time will help the function of your body clock, while working in sync with our hormones and controlling at what times when we feel sleepy or awake. Keep in mind the average adult needs 7-9 hours sleep to have a quality night sleep. Your body will also naturally feel tired at times 2am and 2pm.

Discipline yourself with a relaxing hour before bed. Within the hour before bed, use this time to unwind, relax and switch off. Within this time include activities such as having a warm shower or bath, quiet reading or a nice warm drink (make sure it’s decaf!)

Create a comfortable sleep environment. Your sleep space should only consist of sleep and sleep only. Try to eliminate distractions. In your sleep space there a few things you should be aware of which can affect your quality of sleep being room temperature, mattress comfortability, comfortable sheets, having a fan going can be quite calming and is associated with pink noise, but if not fan there are apps available which substitute, also the control of how much light is in your room when trying to fall asleep should be minimal.

Exercise! Exercise definitely helps with our quality of sleep, amongst many other benefits. Appropriate times to go to the gym would be in the morning or before your evening meal.

Meditation. Meditation has statistically been proven to improve your quality of sleep while also gaining more awareness and attention on a day to day basis. It helps you keep in control of your thoughts and prevents the mind from wandering when trying to get to sleep. Meditation helps to calm, relax and help you to be in control of your mind and it not be controlling you. Also don't forget it's ok to meditate more than once a day, there is not limit.

Magnesium. Taking a magnesium supplement will enhance the bodies relaxing energies and help you get to sleep faster as well.

Having a soothing drink before bed. There is several drinks which will help you into a relaxing sleep, including Chamomile, Coconut Water, Chia Seed drink, Almond milk, Honey milk and Tart Cherry Juice.


If you can’t fall asleep, don’t just lie there. If it takes you longer than 20 minutes to fall asleep, go to another room and try to relax yourself and only return to your bed when you are feeling tired. Counting sheep is also a big time waster in the falling asleep process.

Eliminate distractions. Remove items from your sleep space which will stimulate your mind or create a distraction from your sleep. This includes not having a clock in your room, which is guaranteed to create an emotional reaction when looking at it, eliminate tv’s, radios and your phone being a major sleep distraction.

Your sleep space and work space being the same area. If your room is currently a work/study/living room space, stop it now! It can also contribute to a lack of sleep due to the objects and items which can stimulate thoughts in our mind and lead us off into a thought tangent.

Avoid eating big meals before sleep. Eating a big meal before bed will cause the brain to be awake to concentrate on the digestion of the food consumed. It will also cause you to wake up more during the night.

Avoid naps. Try to avoid naps, but keep in mind that if it feels necessary to take one. Naps can contribute to a harder falling asleep process, so in avoiding this, take naps no longer than 20 minutes and have them around mid afternoon.

Obvious don’ts. Make sure you limit the caffeine before bed, no smoking and no alcohol consumption. All of these will increase your brain activity but also make it harder for you to fall asleep.


Sleep is so important for our function and overall wellbeing. People forget that sleep can affect our daily function, routine and activities, and if continuing long term can contribute to our failures and lack of concentration. Take the time to care for your body and ensure a good night sleep. I hope these do’s and don’ts can be incorporated in your sleep routine and help with your quality of sleep.

Your mind, body and soul will thank you in the morning.

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