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How to Rejuvenate and Recover from your Meltdown

Keeping our mind, body and soul at its best is a pinnacle to our successes and function. Being healthy and keeping in tune and connected with ourselves and our thoughts and actions is so important. Being an adult can get very hectic and overwhelming, very quickly. Once we reach our breaking point or SOS moment, the best thing to do is to STOP. There are various activities which we can involve ourselves in to cleanse our mind and rest our body.

How to overcome the overwhelm?

Stop. Reflect. Look after yourself. Analyse your day to day life. What can I do to be happier? How can I better manage all this? What do we need to delete from our lives in order to be on a healthier and manageable path for ourselves?

Causes and Resolutions

Putting too much pressure on ourselves can lead to our breakdown. Be generous on your goals and action time allocation. Sit down and set aside that time, break the big goal into little ones and allow time for the little goals, so they aren’t rushed and completed at your ultimate best. Set deadlines apropriately to achieve a successful result.

Brain Dump

Free writing so relieving for our mind. Write down what’s on your mind and make your issues and thoughts apparent to you, you won’t necessarily solve them but to get your thoughts out which can do so much. Draw, write or make a brainstorm cloud, whatever suits you. Simply empty your mind on your page, setting a timer while doing this will create less room for the mind to wander.

Complete self-care activities

We are all individual and certain activities calm and relax us, it’s all about finding what works for you. Self care activities are so essential for our rejuvenation and retunes and repairs our bodies. Here is a list of some below:

Go for a walk

Have a pamper session with a nice relaxing bath, a face mask and some calming essential oils

Read a book

Take 3 deep breaths

Find some positive affirmations and have them visible

Call a friend

Declutter your space

Watch your favourite film

Listen to your favourite song


Eat healthily

Light a candle

Do some baking

Write 3 things you are grateful for

Play with your pet

Turn off your phone and unwind

Go for a walk

You can always do something you know and trust but don’t be afraid to try something new, we find we discover more stepping out of our comfort zone.

Tips to rejuvenate and minimise further breakdowns

So you’ve had your breakdown and calmed yourself down, now it’s time to put yourself back on the right direction

Tip 1: Mediation is your savior!

Meditation has so many benefits to your mental health and daily function. It is an exercise that helps to clear the mind and reduces stress. It helps with the clarity of our thoughts and awareness. There are many ways to mediate, guided meditations being a favourite of mine using the app 'Headspace'. It is an app which has various programs to suit your meditation needs whether it be stress, anxiety or sleep, the app is there to inform and help control your thoughts and clarify. Meditate, as many times as you need, there are no limits. Set aside some time everyday and your wellbeing will thank you for it.

Tip 2: Reflection is a key to rejuvenation

As previously mentioned reflection is a good release but also a good to do on a weekly back to make sure you are on track. I like to write my goals down, plan out my actions, activities, and new places I want to go or new things I want to try. Everything I want in my life to learn, explore and expand. Create short term and long-term goals. For you to be overwhelmed or worn out you must have taken specific actions to burn yourself out and putting too much on your plate or not doing enough of the things you enjoy. Look at what you do day and find a way to cut down or implement more fun free time within your. It is so important to make sure that you are living and not on autopilot.

It is impossible to stick to a plan, as life is just so unpredictable. How resilient we are to these unexpected challenges and how we choose to respond them is what helps us move forward and makes us stronger. Our challenges are the universe telling us to do something differently and encourage us to find a new route.

Keeping at our best and keeping in tune with our minds and our bodies will guarantee our successes. Our goals and ambitions is what gets us up in the morning and we work everyday towards our self-development and expansion. Getting rest, being rejuvenated and reflecting on ourselves is so important. Living life to the fullest is even more and we need to be at our ultimate prime to be able to adventure, learn and achieve.

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