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Healthy Habits

Being happy and staying healthy is the ultimate goal for us all: coming down to our daily habits, these behaviours can either send us into an upward spiral where life keeps getting better; or one that is shrouded in darkness. Want to find out what’s going to make the difference? Read on.

Getting up early + Going to sleep early

Waking up at a decent hour will extend your hours of productivity and goal kicking. Be the early bird that catches the worm. Clarify your first action for the day. Make your first daily action be one which excites you to get out of bed. For me, it's the gym. I love starting my day releasing endorphins and giving my metabolism a boost. With your body clock starting earlier, bedtime is earlier in conjunction. Make sure you are getting sufficient sleep and incorporate a relaxing night routine.

Being productive

Planning your day-to-day actions ensure progression and purposeful actions. Creating plans and deadlines for goals ensures efficient productivity and is key. Schedule in your grind, your self care practices and catch ups. Constantly be progressing. Keep balance and rejuvenate when needed.

Meal Prep

A healthy diet ensures sustainable energy in our functionality. With the healthy habit of meal prep it ensures we stay on track and have the healthy option at ease. Keep it simple. Create variety within your prep week to week.


Meditation is definitely a self-care practice which focuses on your wellbeing. Guided meditations helps me to realign my thoughts and provide relief in moments of distress. I use an app called ‘Headspace’ which has guided meditation collections best suited to your mental needs.

Be confident in yourself, your choices and be happy

Loving yourself, accepting yourself and believing in yourself will make your life more pleasurable. In any situation or choice that comes to you, let the outcome make you happy and confident in the result. Learn from your mistakes and embrace the lesson that you learn rather than be harsh on yourself.

Don’t let your influences define you but help you

In a social media driven world make sure your socials consist of positive influences, which will motivate you. Find yourself through the expressions from others. Learn from others but don’t become them. It is a trial and error process and vibing off others can help with that self discovery process.

Reflection and goal setting

Being organised, learning and having goals for myself is the ultimate key to my successes. Feeling accomplished and pushing my limits to get to my goals is an addictive feeling. Reflection is the key to my progression. Set aside one day a week to look over your goals, analyse your actions over the previous week and identify what you have learned. No goal is too big or too small but break them down, schedule tasks over the coming week/month and can help you achieve your goals at a realistic pace and have deadlines to keep you on track.

Life is a constant cycle of learning. We are constantly being motivated and inspired by different aspects surrounding our world. Creating a healthy balanced lifestyle for us through our habits can ensure success, fulfilment, self development and happiness.

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