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Top 5 Food Habits and Attitudes

Quite often at work I get complimented on my lunch choices. I also get asked how do you have time? Answer, you make time. Your body goes with you everywhere. Your attached for life. You should be fuelling your body correctly for its performance but also find a maintainable and healthy balance.

Now here are my 5 tips to help ease your stresses and shift your mindset toward food.

  1. Meal Prep at the start of every week - Set yourself up for success. Use a grocery delivery service. Coles and Woollies have them. Set aside a few hours one day a week (I like Sunday's) cooking up lunches/dinners for the working week.

  2. Find your ‘go to’ meals - Our taste buds get sick of foods but for as long as you can stick to meals and snack you like to eat and are cheap. And if you feel like changing it up, utilise Google, Pinterest and your favourite Instagram followings.

Here are some guide meals here to show how it easy it is!

It's also good to buy in bulk to save you money in the long run. Also always look at Homebrand as a cheaper alternative. They are usually kept below eye level.

(Let me know if you need any recipes)

MEAL 1: Salmon & Veggies - $19.15 for 4 serves

Salmon fillets - 4 portions - $16

Avocado - $3

Frozen Brocolli and Cauliflower packet x 2 (Woolies Brand)- $2.15 (Frozen veggies are frozen at it’s fresher point. And if heating up in the microwave you don't even need to defrost them, just place them in your meal prep containers)

Quick Rice Cups (Sun Rice) - 4 cups - $4

MEAL 2: Burrito Bowls - $16.50 for 4 serves

Turkey Mince - $6.50

Taco Seasoning (Woolies brand) - $1

Tinned Sweetcorn (Woolies brand) - $1

Diced Tomatoes (Val Verde) - $1.50

2 Onions - $1

Iceberg Chopped Lettuce (Woolies brand) - $2

Light Cheese Shredded (Woolies brand) - $3.50

MEAL 3: Vegetarian Lemon Pesto Pasta - $21.1 for 4 serves

2 x Zucchini - $1.40

Sugar Snap Peas (Woolies Brand) - $4.50

Spaghetti (3 Grain Organic Stanground) - $6.00

1 x Lemon - $1.60

Pine Nuts (Woolies Brand) - $4

2 x Basil Pesto (Woolies Brand) - $2

Parmesan - $1.60

MEAL 4: Corn and Haloumi Fritters and Sweet Potato - $13.50 for 4 serves

2 x Sweet Potato - $1.50

Tinned Sweetcorn (Woolies brand) - $1

Coriander - $3

2 x Carrots - $1.60

2 x Zucchini - $1.40

Riverena Halloumi - $5

Kitchen Staples - Eggs, Plain Flour, Soy Sauce, Vinegar, Honey

Snacks - Rice/Corn Cakes with Peanut Butter, Fruit, Healthy Brownies/Muffins (Use Pinterest! Such a game changer), Kombucha, Smoothies, Water (Usually you're not hungry, just dehydrated).

Invest in Meal prep containers. I separate meals into servings so I can grab and go.

3. Eat at the same times each day - This trains your body to eat less and not overeat.

Example: Coffee 9AM - Breakfast 9:30AM - Snack 11AM - Lunch 1PM - Snack 3:30PM - Dinner 7PM

Find times which work for you and what works for your body and lifestyle.

4. Protein, Fat and Carbs - With every meal you should be eating each of these, and if not try different foods which allow you to. When deciding your meals don’t make excuses like “I don’t have time” or “That’s so expensive”. This is your life and you fuel your body and you choose which ‘petrol’ to use. Fuel your body with good foods to see results. Enjoy what you are eating or you won’t find that maintainability which you need in order to see results.

5. Don’t avoid your craving and find your balance. Avoiding your cravings will cause you more damage/lead to binging if you choose to ignore. You will hold off until your body just can't take it, and you then end up eating a whole block of chocolate and feeling worse about yourself. We do only live once but be more mindful of the amounts of food you put into your body. But in saying that after you listen to the craving (it's not giving in) don't beat yourself up about it. We are human. Value the 80/20 rule.

Also another sneaky tip if you are under eating, let me guess, you aren't loosing weight? This is because you are depriving your body of any nutrients. It may work for a few weeks in your weight loss but overall your body will get made and make y

ou put more weight on than you did originally.

I hope these tips created some ease in your food mindset and choices. Your body is a temple… But it really is. Respect it and listen. Take the time to trial and error and discover what works for your body.

Also in no way am I a trained nutritionist or dietitian. These are just my learnings and findings I have discovered on my health journey.

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