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Current Favs April '19

Hey strangers!

I'm back with another blog post! It's been about a month or so since I posted and I'm quite agitated with my lack of post on this outlet, but my Instagram success has been amazing! Now I’m back for good!

I thought I'd come back post hiatus with a few of my favourite things that I am loving at the moment. Sharing these with you may spark some new purchases or actions and hopefully you are obsessed with them as much as I am! Enjoy!

1. Sukin Hydrating Shampoo - $20 (Can usually get on sale)

This shampoo has made a significant difference to my hair care routine. Now days with my hair being blonde, I am using a purple shampoo in my hair but needed something to clean my hair and get it feeling soft and supple. I wanted this to be as natural as possible with minimal ingredients and without parabens or sulfates. I ventured to Chemist Warehouse with a few products in mind and Sukin was my choice. It gets my hair feeling soft, supple and clean! Highly recommend and a current fav! (Also be careful of products which say they don’t contain parabens or sulfates, check the label and a lot of them still actually have the ingredient)

2. Calm - Meditation app - $16.99 a month or $70 a year

My next fav, is the mediation app called ‘Calm’. I mentioned this on my Instagram stories at the end of last week but it is the newest addition to my daily routine. I have always struggled with my overthinking nature and the act of meditating but I have always wanted to implement it. I tend to go through waves with this habit but after being recommended to meditate very first thing in the morning I gave it another go. I downloaded a month of ‘Calm’ the night before and I woke up, sat in my car for the gym and played a guided meditation for 5 minutes. I could feel the difference and the thoughts in my head had quietened down. I haven’t stopped since! I also do one of the more lengthy and categorised meditations on the bus into work, to really set me up for success. I also use the ‘Sleep stories’ feature of the app to help quiet my mind before sleep and to help me drift off.

3. CrossFit

So I signed up to a CrossFit gym in my area January this year, and it has changed my life in so many ways! I am excited to get up at 4:30am with like minded people who are willing to make that decision to get up early for their health. My fitness strength and endurance has improved so much and the community is so supportive. If you are at a rut with your gym routine or want to try something new, CrossFit is for everyone and I recommend it to everyone!

4. Spirituality

Now this is quite a broad favourite and is skeptical to some, but it is something which has impacted my life in such a positive way. I am learning about universal connection, Mind Body Spirit, and the power of manifestation, Crystals, looking to Angel and Tarot cards, and connecting to my own intuition to carry out what it’s craving. Following certain social media accounts has allowed me to connect with some amazing, like minded people which feeds my soul so heavily. If Mind Body Spirit connection is foreign to you, I highly suggest exploring it, in particular if you are feeling in a bit of a rut in your life. Read lots, listen to podcasts, follow the moon cycle.

5. Planning and not planning

I am one that likes to stay in control and plan out most moments of my day, but I have recently implemented a ‘no plan’ addition to my day. This is time where outside the daily ritual and ‘to dos’, you simply create time to do what your heart desires. This could include self love, reading, listening to music, doing nothing, journaling, baking, going for a swim or watching TV. The options are endless but it’s up to your intuition. If you are someone who always has to be doing something or feel guilty for something nothing, implement this free flowing activity and feel your soul with a couple of hours blocked out in your day everyday or a few hours this week.

That’s it for this week! I hope you enjoyed this post and look forward to a new post every Monday from here on out!

Have a great week!

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