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Positivity has always been a tool within my day to day and one I constantly sharpen. I am a firm believer in positive energy will attract the positive. I am always looking at positive influencers, quotes and reading, in order to both train my mind to recognise and redirect my thought processes into a more positive way. Now don’t get me wrong, we can’t be positive all of the time, but most of the time we can control how we handle the situation.

Not sure how to go about it? I’m here to give you the rundown!

Mindset Tips

Within the Western society our mind quite often draws itself to be stuck in a negative mindset, with defeatist and lazy tenancies attached. We can feel it’s easier to not change situations, let it be, hurting our ego and creating repetitive patterns for ourselves. You get to the point where you just don’t care anymore, and you don’t evolve as a person as you are stuck in this mindset. Now to help you understand how to avoid this extreme, I am going to give some everyday examples of negative situations which we are faced with and how to transform it to a positive.

  • Situation = Anger you can feel over a situation you can’t control -

  • Example = You’re at work and you’ve been working on a project for hours, then you go to lunch, come back and it’s deleted itself. CRAP!

  • Negative mindset = You get so angry, start throwing your stationary around and complaining to everyone, even bang the computer a couple of times

  • Positive mindset = Take a deep breathe, recognise your emotion of anger, tell yourself ‘there is nothing I can do about it’, take another deep breath, maybe this is a sign from the universe I could do it better? Remember what I can and write down some notes, the situation is now out of your control, and you’ve learnt the lesson to save your work! But also check your computer one more time in a calmer fashion

  • Situation = You are negative towards your appearance

  • Example = I wish I was thinner in these clothes/ I wish I had more muscle (I wanted to make this gender neutral)

  • Negative mindset = You get angry, put on another 20 different outfits but still end up going with the first one you originally picked out. There’s a huge pile of clothes everywhere and you are late. You end up being in a crap mood for an extensive amount of time, with this mood affecting those around you

  • Positive mindset = Recognise the negative self talk, I say ‘Yes, I could feel better within my body but am I making the right choices to do so? No? Then tomorrow is a new day and I can start working on it then’. For now, I love the body that I have and the opportunities and freedom it allows me to exist in this world with such free will.

Now with those two examples, I hope you can understand how impactful our mindset is. How we choose to channel our energy, either in a negative or positive way, and where we choose to listen to that ‘mean gal/guy’ within our mind is up to us.

Challenge: Over 7 days, take note of what negative self talk is going on within your head, write them in the notes in your phone, and make an effort to combat the them positively.

The True Power of Positivity

The Law of Attraction and Manifestation are practices most famously recognised by the novel/film ‘The Secret’ but these have lived for years. It’s proof of what the power of the mind can do and translates whatever is in our thoughts and materialize them into reality. This practice can be down through internal visualisation, vision board creation and our thoughts and actions. Our successes and desires follow through with positivity. This practice shows how our mind can give us everything we want. Worth giving a google (or I could write a blog post with more detail? Let me know).

Simple Mindset Shift To-Dos

  • Daily gratitude = Write down 3 things you are grateful for every day

  • Read a self help book which will shift your thought processes on an area you would like to work on eg. Money, Relationships, Self Care, Health

  • Take 3 deep breaths when you feel anger

  • Go through your Instagram follows and remove anyone that does not add a positive value to your life

Positive Influencers

Need some positivity to fill your Instagram feed? Here is some!

Georgie Stevenson

I have been following Georgie for a while now and even got to meet her a few months ago. One of the nicest people ever! This girl from Queensland is all about keeping it real and posting content which will enhance your holistic health, intuitive eating way of life, self love, and vulnerable daily stories and positivity. This gal reminds us all we are in this together. Georgie also has a podcast as well so make sure you check it out!


Instagram: @georgiestevenson

Podcast: The Rise and Conquer Podcast

James Smith PT

I don’t think this guy actually has a filter… He is so upfront, honest and one of the most raw and vulnerable male followers I have come across. This English PT living in Bondi is not about the fad life and you will find him constantly making fun of it, followed by the true facts. His content has incredible value without taking himself too seriously.

Instagram: @jamessmithpt

Podcast: The Jame Smith Podcast


Outside the realm of social media, we should all be our own sources of inspiration. Tuning in daily to our intuition and heart will lead us onto a path which we truly want. How do you want to be spending your day? What do you love about your routine? What do you want to change about your routine? Take some time to listen to the silence and listen to what comes to your mind (only the positive of course).

Positivity will truly make us happier people, more grateful and more pleasant to be around. It is much more exhausting being a negative person over a positive. Don’t get me wrong we can’t be positive all the time, but speak to yourself as you would a friend, and watch how the power of a positive mind will do you a world of wonders.

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