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Self Care is what we should be applying to our everyday lives. It should always be a priority to do what is best for our mind and body but it can be easy to not prioritize. Self care helps me to feel order, be focused, while destressing and nurturing my mind and body. I take time to look after myself daily through various different practices. This relies on how I feel in that moment and what my mind and body needs.

The below are some examples of self care practices I enjoy:


Journaling has been such a game changer for me. It has helped me to get what’s on my mind out in moments of overwhelm, gain some relief. This is so important to me as a self care practice as an overthinker, I can find it easy to ignore what my intuition is trying to tell me. It just feels so much better to just get it out! I find this amazing to do before I go to sleep.

Have a beauty pamper session

This one is for the ladies! Nothing feels better than a pamper session. If you feed to need to nourish your body, use this time to treat yourself and nurture it. Whether it be a face mask, body scrub, a DIY remedy you’ve been wanting to try to really take your mind off things, washing your hair, reading a magazine, watching some Netflix. Use time to completely disconnect and reground through what time feels so luxurious. Try to minimize my phone time during this as well! Have a beauty night one week night a week. Absolute game changer!

Do something you love and feel has been neglected aka ‘Passion Time’

Time can get away from us and seems the older we get, the quicker it disappears. This can cause us to neglect our hobbies and passions. I find myself getting too busy and using my down time to do nothing because I feel my body needs it. In times overwhelm, use this schedule in your passion. I always find it harder to not do something when I plan it. Make sure it’s something you know that after you do it, you’ll feel happy! It be an activity or something you have always wanted to do, add ease to overwhelm, give yourself a break.

Write out some intentions

Intention/goals have always kept me accountable and acted as a reminder as to what I should be putting my attention towards. I usually do them both weekly, monthly and quarterly. One thing that I have learnt this year is that you should not beat yourself up when you don’t achieve what you intend to. Sometimes life gets too busy and our attention may go off track. Sometimes we plan out an entire week, and we may ‘slack’ off. This causes instant guilt falling into self destruct mode by eating bad food, negative self talk, all while still achieving nothing. Set intentions, use them as a guide to look at daily at the same time, so these are fresh on your mind for the day, and if you don’t achieve them, go to sleep and start again. Life is meant to be lived, and because of this we may go off track for a bit.

Take myself out for a meal/ eat something wholesome

When I am feeling like I really need to treat myself, get out of my ‘loner’ state of mind, I will take myself out for my favourite meal or a coffee. I usually try to make this a wholesome meal but get a delicious meal if you desire. My favourite thing to do is breakfast, find a spot in the sun, take my laptop, or book or journal, and do what I truly feel is what I want to be doing in that moment, usually my passion project time.


Although these a practices you could be doing, I feel it is so important to schedule time within your day to simply flow and do what you so desire. Try and block out around 15-30 minutes per day. This could be mediation, watching some youtube, a workout, listen to a podcast, go for a walk, reading a book, gaining inspiration, doing that yoga class you’ve been putting off or journalling. This could an in the moment planned or planned out. Regardless, in this time do something that feels right for you and it be something you come out feeling refreshed.

Self care is something we neglect as we make excuses to not make time for it. We should all be looking after ourselves as we only have one life, and one body to function from.

I hope this post has sparked you to take sometime for yourself. Put your phone on do not disturb and simply be with yourself.

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